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Visiting Cleveland For The 2016 Republican National Convention? Here Are 10 Little Known Facts About The 216!


Without even visiting Cleveland, everyone’s heard a thing or two about Cleveland. We’re crazy about our sports, we’re home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame… You may ask yourself, “Is there any more to Cleveland than the few things I’ve heard about it?” And we’d answer your question with a heck yes! To spread the word that Cleveland is much more than the home to a handful of passionate sports teams, here are 10 little known facts about Cleveland that will put visiting Cleveland at the top of your list!

1. Cleveland’s Willard Park is home to the world’s largest rubber stamp.

free stamp







A great opportunity for a totally cheesy photo.

2. Cleveland was the first city in the world to be fully lit by electricity.

cle night



Thanks T. Jefferson!

3. The Cleveland Metroparks Wildlife system is often referred to as Cleveland’s “Emerald Necklace” and covers nearly 23,000 acres.

cle metroparks







That’s one big necklace.

4. Cleveland’s Playhouse Square is the 2nd largest theatre organization in the US.

playhouse square






That’s a lot of costumes and a whole lot of stage makeup.

5. The Cuyahoga River, which runs through the city of Cleveland, has caught fire 13 times since 1868.

cuyahoga river










6. The Cleveland Arcade was one of the first indoor shopping malls in the country.

cle arcarde







Because who would want to do their shopping in a Cleveland blizzard.

7. Life Savers candies were actually invented in Cleveland.

life savers








8. The Cleveland Orchestra ranks as one of the top 10 orchestras in the world.









And they’re definitely worth seeing.

9. In 1930, Cleveland’s Terminal Tower was the 4th tallest building in the world at 771 feet.








A lot can change in a near-century.

10. Potato chips were first mass produced in Cleveland.










And we couldn’t be prouder.

Just more proof on how seriously cool Cleveland really is. You can start planning your visit now.

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