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Switch Up Your Pizza Routine Tonight!

One of the most satisfying things is finding something you like– be it a pair of shoes or your favorite pizza. In the very beginning, you could never dream of wearing a different pair or eating something other than pizza, but after a while things start to become the norm. Fear not! While we can’t help you find a new pair of shoes (Unless you’re interested in these? Didn’t think so.) we CAN help you find a new flavor profile to bring life to your pizza and your bored taste buds!


With more than 20 toppings to choose from and 12 different specialty pizza options, Rascal House might as well be called “Endless Possibilities”… Or just Rascal House, you decide. Anyway you call us, make sure you have the right number (find them here) and a big appetite for a tasty meal that will be anything but boring!

Share pics of your Rascal meal with us on Twitter and Instagram using our hashtag #RascalHouse, or post on our Facebook page!

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